The Salesman on the run-Sunil Shinde

We all are chasing something in our lives, selling dreams trading things for our family so they remain happy and content. Trading one dream for another like...

India Guns for another Gold with Shivani bouncing back from Injury

As they say in the spider-man movie,with great power comes greater responsibility and for the heroes of the nation who make us proud there is always a...

How #100daysofrunning challenge can keep the Doctor away

All of us dream of being fit and fab but when we wake up once the alarm goes off,its already time to rush to our daily routine...

India’s hope for another Gold-Shivani Agarwalla

As they say behind every successful man there is a woman, but do we ever acknowledge the fact what these woman can achieve if shown some support...


No matter how often one goes to Ladakh, there is a surprise waiting every time. Unfamiliar challenges won’t stop you from travelling to the land of high...

The Running Discovery of India-Alok Choudhary

Being a runner we all strive to give our best effort in our chosen distance for run and historically very few people achieve a great timing that...

The world is his running track- Vernon Morais

We have read the story of Mr Phileas Fogg who embraces on a journey of going around the world in 80 days on a challenge and braves...

A star is born in the galaxy of runners-Tripati Sahu

we all have heard of the great saying "where there is a will there is a way" and some people not only believe in it but also...

The little Mermaid of East-Suhani Rungta

As a child we have read a lot of stories which have fascinated us to the core and have influenced life decisions or we still think of...

Are you up for the Ayodhya Hill Challenge

Every seasoned runner in India trains and prepares to give his best shot on the D-day at the Mecca of running " The Mumbai marathon" which is...

How I found the Pacer in Me-Sudip Ghosh

As a human being we have immense power guided by our beautiful mind and that is something that drives us to push our limits and achieve what...

Pacing the City of Joy-Susmita Jha

"Its a journey from Me to we and from Us to 80 min bus" I always try to put up the thinking shoe of a runner and find...