Fit India-Be fit

Fitindia is the ultimate force for sporting information and promotion in the Indian Subcontinent and here are stories that got India active and fit. Launched by our prime minister and embraced by millions.

Sattvik Food :Hype or Ancient Science

In the recent times I have heard a lot about Sattvik food and its role in redefining the health and lifestyle for us. Its nothing fancy but...

Comrades for Comrades

“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” – T.S. Eliot Although T.S. Eliot was likely not thinking of... Journey Of A 1000 Miles Starts With A Single Step

When running is your passion and you wonder how you ever got started in the first place. You realize it all started with one step. That was... : Making India active and fit

ActiveIndia.Fit : Win Your GameOne-stop destination to find fantastic sporting action near you!Last year when we were hit by the pandemic which left us confined to our...

IndiaRunning:Ploggers of india-The Clean Revolution

Click on for exclusive information on races and registrations across India and click here to download the Complete reportChange is the only constant in the world...

Spoilt for choice : Fitness goals or Healthy habits

We often get confused between being fit and being healthy, they are similar in nature yet not the same.We all want to be healthy and fine but...

IndiaRunning:The Rage of the Ultras

Click on for exclusive information on races and registrations across India and click here to download the Complete reportI am back after a writing sabbatical with...

Journey of a walker to timed Half marathon-Gopal Kothari

We come across a lot of walkers every day in the morning and evening, some are down for casual walking and some sit down for chit chats...

IndiaRunning: 5 Trends that redefined the running events in past year

Use to help you promote your event as the website has a large database of runners,and advertising there will reach your target audience quickly and effectively. Email:[email protected]...

New Year Health Resolutions: Don’t start with a bang take it slow

Come On ! We all make New year resolutions by the time we celebrate Christmas but we wake up on the new year morning all drunk, eating...

IndiaRunning: How India Got Running #5 takeaways

Click on for exclusive information on races and registrations across India and click here to download the Complete reportWe all have been participating in running events...


“Endurance is not just the ability to bear a hard thing, but to turn it into glory”- William Barclay, author of Endurance: Shackletinis Incredible Voyage.Julley……an IntroductionDespite grueling...

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