Dreams define the person you are and the person you become eventually and it depends on how you treat your dreams like, either you go pursue them and stay loyal to what you believed in or abandon them to take care of the challenges at hand.
Some people go on to overcome their fear and carve a new destination away what others think you are destined to for the rest of your lives and Anil Parri did just that when he chucked his cosy promising career in one of the prestigious Energy Major, a navratna PSU that millions of people dream to get into every year. After working for 12 years at the Navratna PSU he got a bit bored and wanted to explore his true potential and meaning of his life . With some debate inside his mind and blessings of his parents,and support of his loving wife Sreelakshmi he ventured in to an uncharted territory and sailed abroad like the great sailor Sindbad did in his stories furling his dreams to explore his life and world around and our Sindbad “Anil” Sailed abroad for an adventure of his life for 3 years.He came back with a bang and dreams to fly and joined a company that itself is named after sky where he helps people fuel their dreams to touch the sky in the aircraft of their choice and chase their dreams in the way they want to.
His journey on the running route started the same way as he was always always into his fitness regime however busy his schedule got. He was part of a gym during his stay in Mumbai doing the weight training and running on the treadmill where he caught fancy of another fellow gym mate who was a great runner but was down due to a bad accident. He saw a spark into this young man and asked him to participate in a 10K run,” Are you serious,10k and me no way”, and he continued with his daily regime at the gym,before he knew it his gymmate got him enrolled for the run,his maiden run of 10k at Hiranandini run which got his heart racing as he has never done such a long run ever.
He started training for it and everyday the only thought that crossed his mind was he just needs to finish this somehow and he did it which embarked him on a journey that still continues from Mumbai on the way to Bengaluru and in between he conquered miles and years on the track where his journey started with 37 kms in 2015 and the mind not chasing any dreams yet as he welcomed 2016 with a target of 365 kms which was missed somehow but he more than made up for it the subsequent year by running 1011 kms in 2017 achieving his PB’s in 10k and Half marathons and his first 31km run with some crazy runners in GKVK.
Now he has his eyes on his Debut at Bengaluru Marathon and conquering the Tracks of the Famed Tata Mumbai Marathon in the 2019 edition which is the biggest marathon in Asia by number of participants. Its not the number of candles you add on your birthday cake that defines your experience,its the number of dreams you chase like a gladiator without looking at the obstacles and pain that welcome you on the way.
We hope the year 2018 ushers a new era in your journey where you debut for your First full marathon and inspire the rising stars who look forward to follow your steps paved with gold. Anil Parri you are an hero who’s time has come to shine in the running world.