Running comes with it’s pros and cons. But then, which sport doesn’t. You want to stay fit, you would rather take a chance at being fit than not being fit. The pros are good health, endurance, stamina and a confidence boost. Did I forget to mention the adrenaline rush after getting a finisher’s medal and the after party with your friends? Did I also forget the planning and fun behind an outstation marathon?

The pros are many, however before you attempt to enter the world of running, you will have words of caution about the sport adversely impacting your knees, more so with road running. That is enough to scare you and discourage many aspiring runners. But which sport that eventually becomes your passion does not have it’s cons? So when I look at myself today recovering from a back injury, I know that instead of cribbing and getting off the road to run forever, I would rather come back stronger and do what some think is impossible. It’s all in the mind. It is what I choose to believe.

So when I believe that in adversity lies opportunity, this is my perfect chance at striking gold. A challenge that can take me to a place that I am oblivious to. While I did the Airtel Hyderabad Full Marathon in August 2017 with symptoms of a slip disc, I ran 42km at the Tata Mumbai Marathon in January this year after recovering from a slip disc. Was it the smartest thing to do? Maybe not, which is a valid point. But I knew I wanted to run since I had already registered in September last year and I knew that I wanted to complete the race without changing to 21km. I was not focusing on a great timing, all I wanted to do was reach the finish line. I didn’t want to give myself an option of changing my registration which might later become a habit of choosing the easy way out. That was the biggest challenge and challenges only make you realize your true potential.

Post these runs, I also ran shorter distances in other events. Now as I relax and take it easy, it is time to get back on track. Do what it takes to come back stronger. The first step in this direction is to make a shift in attitude. Believe I can do it, as no pain means no gain and so I have taken baby steps to re-start yoga as therapy, strength training and of course running to get back on track. Eventually I am getting back to swimming and cycling, giving myself an overall crossfit experience impacting different muscles in the body.
I shouldn’t be worried when there are highs and lows in the graph. I should be worried when the graph is straight and monotony sets in. So as I take a step each day at a time, I am more than excited and kicked, knowing that I am going to be surprised at my transformation three months down the line. I don’t have a specific event in mind to train for by end of the year, but getting fitter and back on track gives me varied options to choose from and keep my mind open to an avenue I am yet to explore.

Pic Courtesy :Garima Agarwal-The Shutterbug Photography


  1. What a strong come back…. All your actions are lessons for new runners like us..
    Keep Running, Keep Motivating….

  2. Excellent Prema excellent…
    Very inspiring and encouraging for all and specially for women empowering…
    Do lot more in the world of fitness and be an example and icon..
    Blessings for you forever…

    • Thanks Kunal. I hope to set an example for people who believe they cant run and help them to come out and run.

      Sourav, Ur a star and have done so well. Always rem to stay strong.

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