Texas Instruments India host’s “DIY with TI” in Bangalore
Celebrates DIY-ers and recognizes the best Do-It-Yourself projects created by TI Engineers
Bengaluru, April 18, 2018: Texas Instruments (TI) India, today, hosted the “DIY with TI” event designed to encourage its engineers to build innovative solutions for real-life problems, using technology and TI devices. The theme this year was to build projects that help ‘Make the world a better place’. The event saw several innovative solutions – such as driver assistance for preventing accidents, assistive technology for the visually challenged, a low cost and low power solution to enable monitoring and remote control of home appliances for efficient energy usage and much more.
The first prize went to the team that had devised a wearable technology, a belt, to help visually challenged people navigate easily. This device uses a single radar sensor to detect the obstacles around and is connected to smart phone which will be used to navigate the person to the desired location. The belt uses vibration motors and buzzers to warn/navigate the user. The devise is a step towards making the world a better place for visually challenged people.
“Do It Yourselves (DIY) at TI celebrates the spirit of experimenting with technology to build innovative solutions to real-world problems. The event is about stretching your imagination to identify real world problems and find interesting technology solutions for them. Most engineers at TI have hobby projects across diverse interest areas and DIY gives them an opportunity to showcase their ideas – not just through charts and presentations, but working demos. It also drives an ‘innovation’ mind-set. Maybe someday we will see a DIY project evolve into a game changing business idea!, said Santhosh Kumar, President and Managing Director at Texas Instruments India.
‘DIY with TI’ is a global event held across TI’s U.S., Germany, China and India offices. The event aims to nurture a culture of innovation in TI by providing a platform to TIers that helps them explore alternate and newer ways to solve a problem by doing what they love.
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Texas Instruments semiconductor innovations help 100,000 customers unlock the possibilities of the world as it could be – smarter, safer, greener, healthier and more fun. Our commitment to building a better future is ingrained in everything we do – from the responsible manufacturing of our semiconductors, to caring for our employees, to giving back inside our communities. This is just the beginning of our story. Learn more at www.ti.com.