So if I ask how many of us single unmarried individuals have registered on the online marriage portal, most of the hands will go up in the air with blushing faces and giggles around for sure and with most of the Indian population between 18-30 age bracket it’s a huge market for the match making companies but have we thought of people with disorders or health challenges and the answer is obviously no.
The situation is not that gloomy because a new age startup has taken up this cause and promises to change the way match making is done , introducing Incov which is bringing the much needed revolution in this space. Founded by two young and dynamic individuals this new venture promises to bring smiles and ray of hope for the differently able community .
Inclov has been founded by two graduates from Mumbai – 24-year-old Kalyani Khona, who studied Bcom at Mumbai’s H R College of Commerce & Economics and 25-year-old Shankar Srinivasan, bachelors in finance from Mumbai’s Jai Hind college.
They got this idea of starting a matchmaking service for differently abled people and started an offline venture which became an instant hit and the demand was so huge that they wanted to take it to a greater client base and thus “Inclov” took shape for which they created an online campaign on a crowdfunding site and raised the initial fund for the venture.
The venture started as Loveability in 2015 but the name was subsequently changed to the present avtar and has also started face to face meet for prospective clientele in form of “Social Spaces” and do regular meets at different cities to give the special people an opportunity to bond and find true love and as of now this service has also been extended for the normal people as well.
Thousand’s of people have found their soul mate on the app ,so what are you waiting for ,come on people join the movement at “Incov” and find your love.
They are hosting India’s first inclusive meetup for people with / without disabilities So hurry up and book your tickets now at https://in.explara.com/e/inclov-social-spaces-with-kitty-su-in-delhi.