Memories are Precious and the relative emotions eternal but the most beautiful are the first moments,the first day to college,the first crush,the first kiss and the heartbreak that follows stay with us for the lifetime and we cherish those moments decades after.
Every runner is in love with the tracks and his dream is to meet his first love someday,his first Full Marathon for which he grooms himself and finally for the dream date buys the best of the attire to look good and give his best on his first date and we met one such starstruck lover, Nagaraj MS who met his first love his first full marathon at Shriram Properties Bengaluru Marathon who pours his heart out is a sweet chitchat with us.
His enthusisasm was like one shy lover talking about his first love and he started with a note of thanks
“First and fore most I want to dedicate this to my all Women and men standing for us at All Border’s”
“It started with Fly feet run in 2011 where I did my first 5k standing 3rd At Akshar Power Yoga,and the very next year at the same run I managed my personal best 5K of 20min which was the start of a journey and I never looked back and am here to claim my first Marathon with a timing of 5:34:42.Along the beautiful journey I have enjoyed around 6 official 10k and 3 half marathon.”
Last year the world around came crashing as after his 3rd half marathon he got knee injuries and the doc who warned not to run long distances which shattered him and his dream looked fading away which pushed him off the track for 10 months but his never give up attitute came to his rescue and he started again from scratch but this time with more preparations following proper prerun warmup and post run cool down which is very important for any runner coupled with expert guidance from trainers and fellow runners from Reebok Running Squad GKVK,who helped him reach his Goals
On the D-Day :Marathon Day -“My first goal was to finish the marathon but when I reached venue I met these friends Sunil sindhe and Sonalia Pal through Abhinav and was surprised that they were targetingtimimg of 3.15 and 3.3 hrs respectively which left me shocked and confused as I considered myself flexible and fit still my target was somewhere 5.30hrs and it left me in a dillema to choose my pace and finally when I started following 4.50 Hrs pacer for the first lap finishing it off in 2.2hrs which was my personal best til date but lost pace in the second lap following the 5.15 pacer Jaydev Raja another Kolkata runner till 39 kms and i was very confident and running well but soon the game changed when i crossed 39.5 kms as my body lost enrgy and looked for water around, nearing 40 kms where i could see an energy counter but my hands were shivering and my bodyfinally I stopped running and walked till counter and sat there for 1-2 min and had banana and water got some energy and then again I started to run.It felt really good when I finished that line…I can’t express the moment,it was like a rebirth for me”
“I want to thank few people here along with my Wife,daughter,my entire family..for giving me strength and this couldn’t have been possible without the training by Akshar power yoga,Reebok Running Squad GKVK and Hegde Sir with all my friends who supported me in the journey”
Once again congrats for your achievements Nagaraj. The efforts put by you to reach this goal are indeed the difficult ones but you didn’t gave up. We know you are dynamic and happy minded person, which make things easy for you. With this attitude no doubt you can reach further heights and all the best from our side.
Even we thank Abhinav for this blog, as one can’t imagine how this can inspire a fighter like NMS and boost his confidence and desire to prove his best… Keep going..
With warm regards
Sagar Veena & Ruhashree…
Thank you so much Sir….Special thanks to Ruha…