An average office going person leaves for office at 9 O’clock ,navigates through traffic and reaches office to catch up with pending work and junk food to start smoking for the whole day ,yes smoking as “Sitting is the new smoking” and it does more harm than actual smoking ,only to come back home for our own sedentary lifestyles and gets into the trap of Blood sugar, High blood pressure and Cardiac problems. Very few people have the courage and will power to challenge themselves and transform themselves to a better version of themselves.
One such individual we came across is a fighter who have overcome personal tragedies and health challenges to come victorious and embark on the fitness journey, please join me to welcome him for a brief chitchat that gives a glimpse into his journey and inspiration , please extend your warm welcome to Mr Manish Bajoria ,a Businessman ,a fighter and challenger who is an inspiration for many and wants more and more people to join him into the fitness journey and get a life. The 38 year old real estate developer has gone through many ups and down but has never given up, lets find out what keeps him going in this little chit chat with scroogeuncle.
We asked Mr. Bajoria how it all started to which he gave a detailed overview as below :
I started my fitness activities 7 months ago, i.e. from October 2016, when I used to weigh 89 kilograms. Initially, I started walking 3-4 kilometers within my campus and gradually increased that to 12-15 kilometers with an average pace of 8 minutes/Km, which is quite good as per the normal standards.
In January 2017, I got attracted towards cycling and bought myself the SCOTT Aspect-960 bicycle and started cycling on a daily basis. Simultaneously, I associated myelf with the Cycling Network Group (CNG) and started riding around 30-40 kilometers every day.
On the 27th February 2017, I met with an unfortunate accident while cycling and got a severe chest (Costal Cartilage) injury. The Doctors restricted me from any kind of jerks/jolts or cycling for the next 3 months. However, I did not give up! I started walking again to maintain my fitness regime. I used to start walking early in the mornings at 5am. Although, I always missed cycling… I was looking forward and waiting for the day when I could paddle again.
From the 15th of April, I started riding again with a chest belt that was prescribed by the doctor to avoid any kind of jerks, as a precaution.
On the 7th May, I participated in the Energizer Time Trial and finished 16.1 kilometers in 38 minutes and was presented a finisher medal!
Meanwhile, I found out about the CyclIndia Summer Challenge organised by CyclIndia Mumbai. There were 4 categories to choose from: 15 kms, 25 kms, 35 kms and 50 kms. I opted for 25 kilometers of pedaling every day. But after completing a couple of 50 kilometer plus rides to begin with, I got motivated to opt in for the highest category i.e., 50 kilometers daily and challenged myself.
Being an enthusiast, I stared riding as early as 1 a.m. in the mornings at times. For the entire month of May, 2017 I used to start cycling at around 3 a.m. in the mornings and used to ride untill 7:30 – 8 a.m. To my surprise, I did 4 Century rides within a month including a personal record setting 120 kilometers in 6 hours.
After my rides I used to come home, get ready for office and leave by 9 a.m, completely re-energized and pumped for the rest of the day!
This was an awesome journey so we asked him about his performance in the completion to which is said “ To Summarize my performance in CyclIndia Summer Challenge in the month of May’2017 ,I did a total of 31 rides covering a distance of 2023.34 kms which was completed in 103.07 hrs and along the way I had burnt roughly 40420 Kilo calories and above all it built my confidence to take up bigger challenges.
He also emphasized on the age old formula of balancing diet with workout as diet contributes to around 70 percent of your progress coupled with rest 30 percent on the workout front and the best news is that he gave away his magical diet formula for those who want to take up the bigger fitness challenge.
His Diet is something he follows rigorously and has helped his lose inches with high nutrition value and is charted as below :
He drinks plenty of water, approximately 5-6 litres everyday with a strict diet and no junk foods avoiding outside food,sugar,maida,rice and raw salt to name a few.
While onto his cycling tour he takes Coconut water and dates and starts his day with Aloevera juice and two bananas. He has a very light breakfast consisting of either Oatmeal, Poha or Upma along with fresh fruit juices ,butter milk or green tea and he keeps repeating his liquid diet every hour and a half which keeps his fresh and feels light on the stomach keeping his energy high.
He takes only 2 oil free chapatti along with lots of vegetables and salad that fills his hunger and avoid overeating at all times which is followed by seasonal fruits as light evening snack. Although he skips wholesome dinner by having some soup or Muesli with milk that keeps him light for the early morning cycling.
He also added “I have got the result of my fitness regime in a short time frame… I have lost 16 kilograms in 7 months. I now weigh 72.9 kilograms, feel more fit than ever and most of all people appreciate my efforts and complement me on looking younger than before, which pushes me to keep going and motivates me for a continuous effort. This is my real achievement” and he was very happy to share his secrets with scroogeuncle team as he want more and more people to embark a fitness journey like him and stay focused ,stay healthy.
We at scroogeuncle wish him all the best on his journey to fitness and he would keep inspiring many to achieve what seems impossible till now. So kick-start your journey and write to us if you want to know more about his “art of living”