Over the years we have been witness the history of Sibling rivalries and clashes that has brought many a dynasties,cities,corporation and not to mention countries to ashes which has lead to many a misconception that siblings cannot work in tandem to make a difference to themselves and the world.
But there is one such author who has not only tried but succesfully shattered the myth with her third book bases on the uniqie chemistry of the siblings who are making the world a better place with their creative genius and enterprising spirits…..with a warm round of applause we welcome Ms Prachi garg with her Magical creation,”Supersiblings-inspiring stories of Enterprising Siblings”.
When she is not tracking siblings and power couples for her next blockbuster,you might find her travelling the world and capturing the expiriences on ghoomophiro.com as #ghoomophirosisters along with co-founder Himadri N Garg and after she has done with going around the world and spreading smiles,she might be found at some prestigious literary festival signing books and inspiring budding authors and entrepreneurs.
As an entrepreneur who has her sibling as co-founder at ghoomophiro.com,she has brought the underlying emotional and professional bonding of siblings who have been silently toiling for our “Make in India” dream to the fore and once again shattered the myth that Siblings may not be your ideal partners for enterprises,be it social or commercial. The book ” Super siblings” by prachi is a beautiful necklace of 20 precious sibling partnership which shine as a bright example of “India shining” and the genetic entrepreneurial spirit which makes us one of the leading country in terms of creative genius and entrepreneaurship,barring all the politics and turbalance which cannot contain the indominitable spirit of the Indian youth.
The book showcases sibling entrepreneurs from different walks of life,cities,communities and background but the same spirit of making a difference to themselves and to the world around with the tech startups to fashion enterprise kind of rebel ideas which might have seemed like a misfit in their ecosytem,byt has proven to alter the dynamics of business in a very short span.
I am not giving away the names of the star siblings who are waiting to be rediscovered by you when you grab a copy of the book ” Super Siblings” The newage sibling dynamics on Amazon.