We all are living our lives which is the greatest gift of God through our beautiful bodies which is one of the most unique creations in the universe and still sometimes its way down our priority list and we don’t take care of our health as we should have and seldom take an effort to correct or lifestyles.
When there is a challenge in life our will power and mental strength is tested,some have the nerve of steel and fightback others succumb to it,but as the famous bollywood dialogue goes “Har ke jeetne wale ko baazigar kehte hain” and we met one such baazigar who has set new benchmarks in the #100daysofrunning,The great warrior of #100daysofrunning challenge Manmeet Kapoor.
A healthy family man,Manmeet Kapoor was a happy man with a supporting wife and a cute daughter and could not have asked for more,but something was growing inside his body as he had a family history of heart ailments. At the young age of 33 on the fateful day of 28th March 2014,he had a severe chest pain which the doctor’s later confirmed was a heart-attack and he was admitted for medical treatment with 100 % blockage in his Right artery.
The initial 1 year was very very tough and depressing like every heart patient has to go through and People would be around expressing their sympathy for him and his wife alike supported by a lot of medication and free advises that now he should not walk much or lift weights and try climbing stairs or any such activity which leads to a raised heartbeat, and this was very shattering.
Then came a shining knight to his rescue,the Shooting star of his life,his life partner and true friend,his wife who stood by him and encouraged him to start walking and as they say ” A journey to a thousand mile starts with a single step. Our Bazigar started slow eventually embracing regular brisk walks,jogging and slow running leading to his first 10km in september 2015.
#100daysofrunning The gamechanger of his life.
He was now on the track for jogging and running but was not regular and needed something which could push him to the next orbit of health,and this time he stumbled upon 100daysofrunning.in in 2016 and got himself registered. This was a Journey of legend in the making which would not only be a life changing event for himself but for all those who have lost their faith and confidence of getting back to an active life after health setback which not only affects the person but is hard on the family and people around. Manmeet joined the #100daysofrunning challenge as a participant but came out as an inspiration clocking 430 kms in 100 days in 2016 which worked as a steroid to his healthy hopes and his running/workout went on to be more structured and regular.
This was followed by record breaking feats in the subsequent editions,with him clocking 2041 kms with Rank 1 in delhi and 12th Worldwide in 2017 editions,followed by 1308 kms in 2018 edition and he is all set to break his personal records in the 2019 editions as well starting with a 100kms run in memory of his 5th anniversary of the heart-attack which he defended and rose as a true lion on the tracks.
#100daysofrunning and beyond
As he is gearing up for achieving a lot more feat on his feet, he quotes “All my runs or achievements are for my inner satisfaction,my family and all the heart patients around who feel that life cannot be normal as it used to be and one has to live a very sympathetic life and on medications all their lives.If by any means i can bring awareness in people that a heart patient can live a healthy and normal life and that too with minimum or no medications(like i take no medicine) but with a balanced diet and regular workout (specially running),my mission would compliment my vision”. As he has been an example of determination and persistence which would not have been possible without the support of his family and friends especially his parents,loving wife and 2 little angels of his life, he adds”My younger daughter was born 3 years after my heart attack and surgery, when i was in rebuilding of fitness process, as running cleared my mind with all the negative feelings which a heart patient has to carry along that his life is short now or he cant take up such a big responsibility”
#100daysofrunning to his dream run
This defender of his fate has a dream of covering the entire distance between Delhi and Amritsar to Golden temple which is around 450 kms to thank God for his life and lovely ,caring wife and kids who light up his world and send a message that if you wish with determination,You can do anything unimaginable” Kar har maidan fateh”.
for more stories and more about the game changer fitness movement,visit 100daysofrunning.in and follow us on facebook and Instagram
The toppers are made not born.